It is during a trip of about fifteen days that our colleague Aurélien AUDEVARD, traveled a part of Mongolia in the discovery of her avifauna. The opportunity for him to test the hide Tragopan V3 (with a simple net of camouflage) on the Siberian migrants in stopping place, near the Ongii river.
The hide Tragopan V3 put in front of a copse – Ongi’s Valley – Mongolia- May 2013
Pouillot brun – Dusky Warbler – Phylloscopus fuscatus
Pouillot brun – Dusky Warbler – Phylloscopus fuscatus
Pouillot boréal - Arctic Warbler – Phylloscopus borealis
Pouillot boréal - Arctic Warbler – Phylloscopus borealis
Pouillot de Pallas – Pallas’s Leaf-Warbler – Phylloscopus proregulus
Gobemouche de la taïga - Taiga Flycatcher – Ficedula albicilla
Gobemouche de la taïga - Taiga Flycatcher – Ficedula albicilla
Pouillot de Hume – Hume’s Leaf Warbler – Phylloscopus humei
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